Extending AFC’s Reach through Community Partnerships








A couple of weeks back, AFC staff joined several Marymount physical therapist students and their program chair at SEEC (Shirlington Employment and Education Center, or the day labor center). The PT students were native Spanish speakers and shared their expertise on work-injury prevention with the workers. These workers are at great risk–especially as they age–since they rely totally upon their bodies to make a living. An injury in their world is quite a crisis.

While they were there, a gentleman approached one of the students and asked about dental services.  He said that he was having terrible mouth pain and lots of bleeding–and had been unable to find anyone to care for him.  AFC staff got on the phone immediately, scheduled an eligibility appointment and a dental appointment, and went with the individual to the SEEC office to help him prepare the paperwork he needs for eligibility. Partnering with other organizations in the community helps AFC extend its reach to new groups of people who could benefit greatly from the medical care we provide.